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Resources, Guides & Reports

National Strategic Plan: A Roadmap to End the Epidemic

The United States will be a place where new HIV infections are prevented, every person knows their status, and every person with HIV has high-quality care and treatment and lives free from stigma and

Integrated HIV prevention and care plan.

New Jersey approached the strategic planning process of its state-only prevention and care
plan by engaging key stakeholders (Eligible Metropolitan Areas, Transitional Grant Areas, and the New Jersey HIV Planning Group) and hiring a consultant firm to facilitate the process and author the final product.

New Jersey HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic Profile

Learn the answers to these and other HIV questions. 

▪ What are the HIV trends of the past 5 years?
▪ Who’s living with HIV in New Jersey and what are their characteristics?
▪ What are the trends among newly diagnosed HIV disease cases?


New Jersey HIV Clinical Quality Management Plan

The purpose of this document is to establish guidelines that ensure consistency in the
delivery of high-quality HIV care and equitable access to services across all Ryan White


Transgender Days of Learning Resource Guide

This resource guide is intended to consolidate pivotal information from across
New Jersey to support the Transgender community. With the help of community
members and agency partners, this guide will be maintained and distributed for

public use.

NJ PrEP Agency Access List

Statewide agency listing of PrEP providers. 

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